What We Do

BizCanyon is the top-rated online platform for free business classifieds. Here, you can effortlessly buy and sell various types of businesses and digital assets such as websites, domains, apps, YouTube channels, newsletters, and Facebook groups. Whatever business or digital asset comes to mind, we’ve got you covered!

Why We Do It

We are dedicated to helping our community unlock value, make investments, generate profits, and embark on new digital ventures. Our platform serves as a hub for entrepreneurs, side hustlers, hackers, and modern-day small business owners.

How it Works

Sign Up

Create your personal account on our platform.

Post your Ad

Create a listing and share information with potential buyers - as much or as little as you want!

Get Offers

Receive offers and proposals from interested parties. Provide more information to potential buyers over chat, email, or phone - your choice!

Sell Your Item

Close the deal and successfully sell your item or business to a buyer. No middle man, no hidden fees!

Happy Members
Listings Reported

I found the perfect domain for my business on BizCanyon. The process was seamless, and the support team was incredibly helpful. Highly recommended.

Lisa Mitchell

Threads, Owner

As a side hustler, BizCanyon has been a game-changer for me. I've bought and sold multiple digital assets through their platform, making extra income along the way.

Mark Randy

Freelancer, Self-Employed

Need Help?

Have a question or need assistance? Our dedicated support team is here to help! Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for prompt and friendly assistance with any inquiries you may have.